
How Many Bones?

Check out the number of bones different animals have

By Elizabeth Carney
From the October/November 2024 Issue
Other Focus Areas: Structure & Function

Bones might look spooky, but without them we’d be jiggly blobs! Our bones provide support that lets us move and stand. They also protect our organs. This bar graph shows how many bones some animals have in their skeletons.

Rudmer Zwerver/Alamy Stock Photo (Mouse); Chasing Light - Photography by James Stone Images (Penguin); (All Other Images)

 Title: Tells what the graph is about

 Bar: The total amount ina category

 Y-Axis label: Tells what is being counted

Scale: Set of numbers showing the data counted, starting at zero

 X-Axis label: Describes the categories of data

Adult humans have 206 bones. Add this data to the graph. How does it compare with that of the other animals?

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