Whitney Curtis/AP Images for Scholastic, Inc.

Playground For All

By Alessandra Potenza
From the May/June 2021 Issue

Meet Melody Day! She’s a fun-loving kid from Wentzville, Missouri. She has a health condition called cerebral palsy that requires her to use a wheelchair. When she was in fourth grade, her school’s playground wasn’t accessible to her. Melody, now 12, decided to help create a space where she could play with her friends.

After raising money online, Melody worked with an organization called Play 4 All to design a playground called the Melody Garden. It has six musical instruments that all kids, including kids with disabilities, can play with. Wheelchairs can easily roll over the smooth concrete surface.

Now Melody is working on a playground for younger kids. “Just because I have a wheelchair doesn’t mean I can’t make a difference,” she says.
